Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Why Do Cultural Differences Within Urban Chicago High Schools Results Essay
Why Do Cultural Differences Within Urban Chicago High Schools Results In So Many Discipline Problems - Essay Example The study intends to use questionnaires, interview schedules, observation as well as focus- group discussion in gathering relevant data for the study. Culture is peopleââ¬â¢s way of life. It denotes what a people value and abides to as normal. It is that complex whole of a peopleââ¬â¢s collective experience in life. It includes religion, political, economical, ethics, social and aesthetic. As the report declares ethnicity is an inheritance where members of a particular group perceive each other as emotionally bounded by a common set of traditional, worldviews, history, and heritage. The issue of ethnic and cultural identity has been a dominant and salient issue of many minority ethnic groups for along time. America institutions of learning have been the battlefield of this identity struggle. The high schools in urban Chicago have experiencing high incidences of racial and ethnicity related indiscipline where the students fail to uphold cultural tolerance towards teachers and other students from different cultural background. This has led to physical attacks, lack of respect and general deterioration of discipline in schools. There is increase in cultural related crimes and misbehaviour among students in urban Chicago. Chicago times reported that a group of white students attacked and racially abused a senior honour student. There have been incidences of violence every day and each time is a student from one race attacking another from a different race. Normally, they hail racial sentiments at each other. This has made many students to fear attending schools since a day cannot pass without a violence incidence in school. This has made school administration to hire security guards and seek police help in keeping law and order in schools in Chicago (Chicago Sun Times, November 8th, 2006). Bona in his article mentions riots, mass protests and violence as some of the poignant index of student indiscipline among college and university students in India. He also identifies incidences where students disrupt examinations, physical attacks on respected professors and administrators as pointers of indiscipline among students. He attempts to explain the causes of students' indiscipline as falling into three major categories namely; psycho-social, economic and political. For him, students in developing nations are most likely to misbehave due to political reasons when institutions raise student expectations too high and fail to deliver. However, for minority groups in a dominant culture, students' misbehaviour may be as a result of economic suppression and psycho-social reasons. A look at the highly respected cultural values of Indian community no one would ever associate students unrest with their cultural
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Kwalitatief beschrijvend onderzoek
Kwalitatief beschrijvend onderzoek Soort onderzoek Er is gekozen voor een kwalitatief beschrijvend onderzoek. Er wordt een antwoord gezocht op de vraag wat de gevolgen zijn van een loyaliteitsconflict bij jongeren met een licht verstandelijke beperking. Binnen dit onderzoek zijn er interviews gehouden met zes jongeren in de leeftijd van 7 t/m 16 jaar. Binnen de interviews is er gebruik gemaakt van een genogram. Als achtergrondinformatie is er gebruik gemaakt van de literatuur. Onderzoeksontwerp Om het onderzoek te kunnen uitvoeren is er een plan van aanpak opgesteld volgends de stappen van Baarda (2005). Er is een topiclijst opgesteld aan de hand van de attenderende begrippen uit de gebruikte literatuur. Een topiclijst is een lijst met daarop onderwerpen die aanbod komen bij de interviews. Uit de verschillende bestaande interviews is er voor dit onderzoek gekozen voor een gedeeltelijk gestructureerd interview. Dit houdt in dat de topiclijst dient voor de onderwerpen die besproken worden en deze lijst geeft de voorkeur aan van de volgorde van de vragen. Een gedeelte van de vragen staan dus vast aan de hand van de topiclijst. De onderzoeker heeft deze keuze gemaakt om een rode draad te hebben tijdens het interview en omdat de jongeren een licht verstandelijke beperking hebben en snel afgeleid zijn. De interviews zijn afgenomen bij zes respondenten van de naschoolse dagbehandeling uit Terneuzen. Er is voor gekozen om de jongeren op hun eigen behandelgroep te ondervragen omdat de behandeling in hun dagelijkse routine zit en omdat dit een vertrouwde omgeving is. Onderzoekseenheden/respondenten SOORTSTEEKPROEF!! De onderzoekseenheden zijn alle zes verbonden aan oftewel de naschoolse dagbehandeling 12 tot 16 jaar of de naschoolse dagbehandeling 6 tot 12 jaar, beiden gevestigd in Terneuzen. Er is gekozen voor een beredenerende selecte steekproef bij het onderzoek. De kinderen/jongeren zijn zorgvuldig gekozen, hierbij is gekeken naar de aard van het loyaliteitsconflict, de leeftijd en naar de bijkomende individuele problematiek. De jongeren zullen bevraagd worden hun eigen behandelgroep. Hiervoor is gekozen omdat het voor de jongeren/kinderen een veilige vertrouwde plek is waar ze zich op hun gemak voelen. Tevens zal er tijdens het interview een genogram gemaakt worden met de respondenten. Op deze manier wordt inzichtelijk gemaakt hoe het kind het systeem ziet. Ook wordt er tijdens het interview gebruik gemaakt van de familierelatietest. Door het gebruik van zowel de genogram als de familierelatie test geven de jongeren/kinderen op een speelse manier antwoord op de vragen en is het interview afwisselend. Voor jongeren met een lichtverstandelijke beperking is het moeilijk om geconcentreerd te zijn en te blijven. De onderzoeker hoopt dat, door de afwisseling binnen het interview, de concentratie te kunnen behouden, Dataverzameling en verwerking Om binnen dit onderzoek gegevens te verzamelen is er gekozen voor het afnemen van interviews. De keuze om interviews af te nemen is gevallen omdat, het afnemen van interviews, beschreven staat als een ultieme methode voor het achterhalen van attitude, kennis, gevoelens en meningen (Baarda,2005). Binnen dit onderzoek is het van belang om de mening, attitude en gevoelens van de respondenten te achterhalen. De interviews waren gedeeltelijk gestructureerd, dit houdt in dat er van te voren per onderwerp een hoofdvraag vast stond. De interviews werden gehouden aan de hand van de op voorhand gestelde topiclijst. (ZIE ) Per topic stond er 1 hoofdvraag vast, de resterende vragen zijn ontstaan tijdens het interview. De topiclijst is opgesteld aan de hand van de gebruikte literatuur. De interviews hebben maximaal 45 minuten geduurd. Er is er voor deze tijd gekozen omdat de respondenten een licht verstandelijke beperking hebben en zij maximaal 45 minuten hun concentratie bij dit onderwerp konden houden. Het eerste interview was een proefinterview, dit om na te gaan wat de duur van het interview zou zijn en of de interviewvragen voldoende waren om tot resultaten te leiden. Alle interviews zijn opgenomen, de respondenten zijn hiervan op de hoogte gesteld bij aanvang van het interview. De opgenomen interviews zijn op een later tijdstip uitgeschreven. Dit om de dataverwerking zo efficià «nt mogelijk te laten verlopen. En de validiteit te vergroten. Aan de interviews hebben zes respondenten meegewerkt in de leeftijd van 7 t/m 16 jaar. De interviews waren 1-1 en werden gehouden op het kantoor in de groep. Hiervoor is gekozen omdat dit een rustige en vertrouwde plek is van de jongeren. Tijdens het interview zijn er, naast de vaste vraag per topic, voornamelijk open vragen gesteld. Aan de hand van de topiclijst werden er voornamelijk open vragen gesteld daarnaast was het belangrijk voor de interviewer om door te vragen en samen te vatten, dit om duidelijk te krijgen of de interviewer de informatie van de respondent goed begreep en om de aandacht van de respondenten bij het gesprek te houden. Tevens is er tijdens het interview geobserveerd, hierbij werd voornamelijk gelet op de houding en de non verbale communicatie van de respondenten. Ook is er gebruik gemaakt van een genogram. Door het maken van een genogram wordt inzichtelijk hoe de respondent zijn gezinssysteem plaatst. Tevens zal dit middel dienen om over dit onderwerp in gesprek te komen. Een voorbeeld van een gebruikt genogram is te zien in bijlage op bladzijde. Dataregistratie Voor dit onderzoek is er voor gekozen om bandopnames te maken van de afgenomen interviews. Op deze manier wordt er direct geregistreerd, dit verhoogt de validiteit van het onderzoek. Alle respondenten zijn op voorhand op de hoogte gesteld van de bandopnames en hebben hier allemaal toestemming voor gegeven. Een interview is te vinden in bijlage op bladzijde Verder zijn er tijdens de interviews aantekeningen gemaakt van opvallendheden, denk hierbij aan non verbale communicatie. Data analyse De gegevens uit de interviews zijn volgens de stappen van Baarda (2005) uitgewerkt. Vervolgens zijn de gegevens geanalyseerd volgens de analysestappen van Baarda (2005). De interviews worden letterlijk uitgeschreven. DATA ANALYSE BESPREKING VALIDITEIT EN BETROUWBAARHEID Validiteit en betrouwbaarheid Het is van belang dat het duidelijk is waar de onderzoeksresultaten op gebaseerd zijn, het is de bedoeling dat ze controleerbaar en inzichtelijk zijn. Het is voor de onderzoeker van belang dar er rekening gehouden wordt met het hebben van de eigen mening en deze niet mee te laten tellen bij het interview. Voor een kwalitatief onderzoek is het van belang dat duidelijk wordt waar de onderzoeksconclusies op gebaseerd zijn, ze moeten controleerbaar en inzichtelijk zijn. Betrouwbaarheid en validiteit In dit verslag heeft de onderzoeker duidelijk beschreven over welke onderzoekssituatie, populatie en methode van onderzoek het gaat en dat hierover uitspraken gedaan zijn. Voor het kwalitatief onderzoek geldt namelijk dat het duidelijk moet zijn waar de onderzoeksconclusies op gebaseerd zijn, ze moeten controleerbaar en inzichtelijk zijn. Als onderzoeker is het belangrijk om bewust te zijn van de eigen mening, dat deze geen invloed gaat uitoefenen tijdens het interview. Er bestaat namelijk de mogelijkheid dat er zaken over het hoofd gezien worden waardoor zaken niet of minder opvallen door de onderzoeker. Hierdoor is het van belang dat de onderzoeker een duidelijke mening heeft en deze kan beschrijven om misverstanden te voorkomen. Om de validiteit van het onderzoek te vergroten is er bij dit onderzoek gekeken naar de interne, externe- en dataverzamelings-geldigheid. Om de interne geldigheid van dit onderzoek te verhogen is er tijdens de keuze voor het onderzoeksontwerp kritisch gekeken naar welk ontwerp het meest geschikt was om antwoord te krijgen op de hoofdvraag van het onderzoek. Om de externe geldigheid van het onderzoek te vergroten is er tijdens het interviewen zoveel mogelijk geprobeerd om de gegevensverzameling in de originele situatie uit te voeren. Dit werd gedaan door de interviews op de slaapkamer van de respondent zelf te laten plaatsvinden. Door de kritische beschrijving van de onderzoekssituatie en populatie is eveneens de geldigheid vergroot, aangezien het op deze manier mogelijk werd om conclusies uit dit onderzoek te projecteren op vergelijkbare situaties, generaliseren. Kortom de onderzoekssituatie werd beschreven en geà ¯nterpreteerd vanuit het gezichtpunt van de clià «nt. De eerder genoemde datatriangulatie (verschillende dataverzameling technieken) van het onderzoek verhoogt de dataverzamelingsgeldigheid. De andere maatregelen die getroffen zijn door de onderzoeker om de betrouwbaarheid te vergroten is het onderzoeksgebied en de topiclijst af te bakenen hierdoor is de interne validiteit gewaarborgd. De onderzoeker had ook naar de populatie frequentie gekeken, doordat er acht clià «nten naar deze woonvorm waren verhuist, (wat een kleine hoeveelheid is voor een kwalitatief onderzoek) werd er afgesproken dat er minimaal vijf clià «nten aan dit onderzoek moesten deelnemen. Hierdoor kon de onderzoeker de validiteit beter waarborgen. Mochten er geen vijf clià «nten deelnemen aan het onderzoek, dan zou het onderzoek niet uitgevoerd worden doordat het dan niet betrouwbaar was. Hier heeft de onderzoeker goed over na gedacht, waardoor deze zo zorgvuldig en zo duidelijk mogelijk informatie verstrekt heeft aan de clià «nten met betrekking tot het onderzoek. De interviews zijn alleen door de onderzoek afgenomen, en de vragen zijn zoveel mogelijk eenduidig en in dezelfde stijl gesteld. Tevens is er van te voren een topiclijst opgesteld zodat alle clià «nten dezelfde onderwerpen krijgen, het geeft richting aan de gesprekken. Het interview is opgenomen op een cassetterecorder zodat er geen aantekeningen gemaakt werden zodat het gesprek efficià «nt kon verlopen, daarnaast ontstond er zo min mogelijk vertekening van de resultaten. Voor het gebruik van deze apparatuur werd vooraf toestemming gevraagd aan de respondenten. Om sociale wenselijkheid toch zo veel mogelijk te voorkomen, werd door de onderzoeker een duidelijk kader aangegeven waarin het gesprek plaats vond. In dit inleidend gedeelte werd door de onderzoeker uitgelegd waar het interview voor diende en hoe de gegevens gebruikt werden. Er werd duidelijk aangegeven dat de resultaten geheel anoniem verwerkt werden. De vragenlijst, de validiteit hiervan werd getoetst door het kenniscentrum. Het kwalitatieve gedeelte (interview) Volgens de stappen van Baarda (2005) moesten de gegevens vanuit het interview verwerkt worden. Daarna werden de gegevens geanalyseerd aan de hand van de analysestappen volgens Baarda. Bij kwalitatief onderzoek bestaan de gegevens niet uit cijfermateriaal maar vooral uit interviewgegevens. De gegevens werden letterlijk uitgeschreven als tekst (transcriptie). Hierbij zat ook een omschrijving van de respondent, de interviewsituatie, het tijdstip van andere relevante informatie, zoals opvallend non-verbaal gedrag. Het gaat daarna om de analyse van deze teksten. In deze analyse worden de volgende stappen onderscheiden: Selectie van de tekst op relevantie en het schrappen van niet relevante informatie. De probleemstelling vormt hierbij het uitgangspunt. Opdeling van relevante tekst in fragmenten en wel zo dat elk fragment informatie geeft over slechts een onderwerp. Codering van tekstfragmenten. Elk tekstfragment wordt voorzien van een of meer labels (code) waarmee de inhoud van het fragment zo goed mogelijk wordt weergegeven. Ordening en reductie van labels. De verschillende labels die aan de tekstfragmenten gegeven zijn lopen veelal uiteen. Ze zijn van een verschillend abstractieniveau en soms wordt voor het zelfde thema meerdere labels gehanteerd. De labels worden hier geclusterd rond een bepaald thema en daarna wordt er een ordening aangebracht, zoals in tijd. Controle van de labels. Is het label systeem volledig? Is nieuwe informatie zonder problemen onder te brengen in de verzamelde labels? Is er sprake van verzadiging? Definià «ring van de labels: Wanneer de kernlabels zijn benoemd, moet er voor iedereen uit de definitie duidelijk zijn wat er onder verstaan wordt. Controle van de betrouwbaarheid. Zou een andere onderzoeker tot dezelfde labeling komen en worden tekstfragmenten onder dezelfde labels ingedeeld? Door een ander de tekstfragmenten opnieuw te laten labelen en in te de delen kan dit beoordeeld worden. Beantwoording van de probleemstelling. Voor de uiteindelijke analyse moet weer teruggegaan worden naar de probleemstelling van het onderzoek. De onderzoeker is na gegaan of de kernlabels alle even belangrijk waren in het kader van de probleemstelling of dat er nog een zekere hià «rarchie moet worden aangebracht. Resultaten en analyse van het onderzoek (8 tot 10 paginas) Inleiding In hoofdstuk vijf is een uitgeschreven interview terug te vinden in bijlage ., dit interview is uitgeschreven volgens de stappen van Baarda. Binnen dit onderzoek zijn de volgende kernlabels op de voorgrond gekomen; Sekse, nationaliteit, gebeurtenissen verwerken, gevoelens, Afweermechanismen, gezinssysteem, zondebokmechanisme,loyaliteit, schuldgevoel, balans, destructief recht, tegenstrijdige eisen van ouders. Sommige citaten van de geà ¯nterviewden staan vermeld onder de bovengenoemde kernlabels. Verder is er in dit hoofdstuk te lezen hoe het onderzoek gegaan is in de praktijk. Onderzoek het veldwerk in de praktijk Het onderzoek heeft plaatsgevonden op twee groepen van de naschoolse dagbehandeling in Terneuzen van Stichting AZZ. De reden hiervan is omdat de onderzoeker werkzaam is op een van de groepen en regelmatig met jongeren te maken heeft met jongen van gescheiden ouders. De respondenten van het onderzoek zijn allemaal in behandeling op de naschoolse dagbehandeling en zijn zorgvuldig geselecteerd. De jongeren zijn kinderen van gescheiden ouders, en lijken een loyaliteitsconflict te ervaren. De onderzoeker kent drie van de respondenten van de groep waarop ze werkzaam is. De andere drie respondenten zijn van de naschoolse dagbehandeling 12-, en waren onbekend voor de onderzoeker. Met de respondenten van de 12- groep heeft de onderzoeker eerst kennis gemaakt door een aantal keer op de groep te komen en met ze te kletsen over de dagelijkse dingen. Op deze manier was de onderzoeker niet meer vreemd voor de respondenten en verliep het interviews makkelijker. De interviews zijn afgenomen onder de behandeltijd omdat de jongeren dan op de groep zijn en hier niet speciaal voor terug hoefden te komen. De interviews zijn afgenomen op het kantoor in de groep. De interviews zijn allemaal opgenomen op een bandrecorder en verwerkt en geanalyseerd zoals staat beschreven in hoofdstuk vier. Interviewverwerking Het uitwerken van de interviews is gebeurt naar aanleiding van het stappenplan voor een kwalitatief onderzoek, volgends Baarda (2005). De interviews zijn letterlijk uitgeschreven en de opvallendheden zijn tijdens de interviews genoteerd en later in de interviews verwerkt. De genogram en de familierelatietest zijn hulpmiddelen om tot antwoorden te komen tijdens de interviews. En om de concentratie van de respondenten erbij te houden. De topiclijst is gebruikt als uitgangspunt voor de kernlabels. Door de tekst in te delen met bijbehorende fragmenten, zijn er labels ontstaan die weer een onderdeel van de kernlabel zijn. De labels die uit de interviews naar voren kwamen zijn bij elkaar gezet en daar is dan het kernlabel uitgekomen, dus de topic en daar zijn de citaten van de geà ¯nterviewden geplaatst. Op deze manier wordt er een overzichtelijk beeld gecreà «erd over de mening van de respondenten over het betreffende onderwerpen. Op de volgende bladzijden staan de kernlabels nader toegelicht. Sekse, nationaliteit, gebeurtenissen verwerken, gevoelens, Afweermechanismen, gezinssysteem, zondebokmechanisme,loyaliteit, schuldgevoel, balans, destructief recht, tegenstrijdige eisen van ouders Kernlabel: Feiten Kernlabel: Gebeurtenissen verwerken De respondenten geven aan dat ze allemaal moeite hadden met de echtscheiding van hun ouders. Aangegeven wordt dat de ouders veel ruzie maakte en dat ze wel blij zijn dat dat over is. De respondenten geven aan dat ze van mening zijn dat het belangrijk is dat het uitgelegd wordt aan de kinderen waarom de ouders uit elkaar gaan. Niet bij elke respondent is dat gebeurt. Aan sommige geà ¯nterviewden is niet uitgelegd waarom de ouders uit elkaar gingen. Ze geven aan dat ze dit vervelend vonden omdat ze ook wel wisten wat er aan de hand was. Sommige jongeren zeggen er met een aantal familieleden over te hebben kunnen praten , andere zeggen het er niet over gehad te hebben. Een respondent verteld over zijn manier van de gebeurtenis verwerken: Ma vertelde (maakt haakjesgebaar met zijn handen) het want we reden wat rond in Hulst en we reden een straat in en daar stond een bordje verkocht op, en toen zei ma dat we hier gingen wonen, dat ma weg ging van mijn pa. Ik wist wel dat ze ruzie hadden maar ik wist niet dat ze uit elkaar gingen. Ik wilde liever bij mijn pa wonen maar ik was nog klein hà ¨?, dus ik had niks te zeggen Een andere respondent zegt: Toen ik hoorde dat mijn ouders uit elkaar gingen kon ik er niet met mijn moeder over praten, want zij was vet verdrietig dus hield ik alles maar voor me en deed ik gewoon alles wat ik altijd al deed. Gewoon school, en niet zeiken. Het was erger voor mijn moeder niet voor mij, dat zei mijn oma ook. Kernlabel: Gevoelens en schuldgevoel Verdriet wordt het meeste genoemd bij het bespreken van de gevoelens van de geà ¯nterviewde. Ze vertellen verdrietig geweest te zijn omdat er veel spanningen waren tussen de ouders en ze zagen dat de ouders hier ook verdriet om hadden. De geà ¯nterviewde voelde zich machteloos omdat ze niks konden doen. Ook de gevoelens boos en bang worden genoemd. De geà ¯nterviewden zijn vooral bang omdat er iets ging veranderen en ze niet wisten hoe het dan zou zijn, en bang om een ouder kwijt te raken.
Friday, October 25, 2019
case analysis :: essays research papers
Case Analysis For the past two months our sales on copper fitting has almost doubled due to the increasing demand from the market and the competitorsà ¡Ã ¦ unsuccessful selling promotion. However, the problem rises from the overwhelming demand. Many back orders are just piled up on the warehouse managerà ¡Ã ¦s desk, and some of the customers lost their patience with us. What we really need right now is to limit or reduce the abnormal demand from the customers by raising the price of our products, but to gain a reputation from our customers, we should consider completing all the backorders with a original price. In a long term, the solution to solve this inventory shortage still relies on sufficient and on-time supply from our supplies. The main reason causing this tremendous and unusual high demand from the customer is the loosing market share of our competitors. Also, there is a possibility that some customers have the false expectation about the future price of the market. They heard the rumor about the cost of raw copper material might go up, so they predict that the price of the copper fitting should go up as well. Consequently, they start to make more purchases and store more inventories more than usual to save some money after the price of copper rises. After a serious discussion with our marketing and warehouse managers, we found a strategy to solve this inventory shortage crisis. We can purchase overstocked merchandises a very low cost from our competitors, since their business is slow, and they do not have enough cash flow. Since most of our competitors are local, we can save a bundle from the shipping and handling if we buy their products. But the disadvantage of this is that it might confuse our customers, because the products we purchase from other companies have their own logos. It might become an opportunity for our competitors to get free advertisement on their products through our market chain. We can also begin placing big orders to our supplier to prevent future shortage. However, downside of this is the risk for overstock inventory. The price of copper fitting is very hard for us to foresee, if the price of fitting drops due to other companiesà ¡Ã ¦ new wave of promotions or other macroeconomic influences, then it wil l slow our sales down as well as our cash flow.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Web application and a Web server
1. Why is it critical to perform a penetration test on a Web application and a Web server prior to production implementation? Although many organizations have reduce significant number of design and coding defects through software development lifecycle; there still remains security holes that arise when an application is deployed and interacts with other processes and different operating systems (Cobb, 2014). Another reason that penetration test is critical is many Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) mandate internal and external penetration test (Cobb,2014).2. What is a cross-site scripting attack? Explain in your own words. Cross-site scripting is when an attacker exploits the controls of a trusted website and injects malicious code with the intent of spreading it to other end users. For example, an attacker injects a browser script on a website, so that other users will click on it and compromise sensitive information.3. What is a reflective cross-site scripting attack?A reflective cross-site scripting attack is when the injected script is reflected off the web server, much like an error message or search results. This type of attack is mostly carried out by e-mail messages in which the user is tricked by clicking on a malicious link and then the injected code travels to the vulnerable website and reflects the attack back to the userââ¬â¢s browser (OWASP, 2013).4. What common method of obfuscation is used in most real-world SQL attacks? These methods include character scrambling, repeating character masking, numeric variance, nulling, artificial data generation, truncating, encoding, and aggregating. These methods rely on an array of built in SQL server system functions that are used for string manipulation (Magnabosco, 2009).5. Which Web application attack is more prone to extracting privacy data elements out of a database? SQL injections can be used to enter the database with administrator rights in which are also the best way to avoi d using Java on the website (OWASP, 2013).6. If you can monitor when SQL injections are performed on an SQL database,à what would you recommend as a security countermeasure to monitor your production SQL databases? I would recommend coordinated and regular security audits to prevent any back lash of SQL injections.7. Given that Apache and Internet Information Services (IIS) are the two most popular Web application servers for Linux and Microsoftà ® Windows platforms, what would you do to identify known software vulnerabilities and exploits? I would explore the large number of binary planting vulnerabilities known as ââ¬Å"dll spoofingâ⬠and ââ¬Å"dll preloadingâ⬠in which have been identified in third party applications running on a windows platform.8. What can you do to ensure that your organization incorporates penetration testing and Web application testing as part of its implementation procedures? My approach to this matter would be to focus on the benefits of pen etration testing and web application testing. I would explain to my company how the testing would identify holes and vulnerabilities in the current web applications. I would also make the point that by incorporating this testing would make the organization more marketable to partner companies and future clients.9. What other security countermeasures do you recommend for websites and Web application deployment to ensure the CIA of the Web application? I would identify all the key pieces to my Web Server and address each accordingly. The key pieces would include Patches and Updates, IISLockdown, Services, Protocols, Accounts, Files and Directions, Shares, Ports, Registry, Auditing and Logging, Sites and Virtural Directories, Script Mappings, ISAPI Filters, ISS Metabase, Server Certificates, Machine.config, and Code Access Security (Microsoft Corporation, 2014).10. Who is responsible and accountable for the CIA of production Web applications and Web servers? Any trained certified infor mation security professional that is assigned or assumes such responsibility.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Informative Speech Outline: bullying exactly
I, How many of you have been hearing about bullying? As you may hear on TVs or news or people are talking about the rates of bullying is going up from years to years.II, According to a research survey, bullying occurs once every 7 minutes in schools. Due to the National Youth Violence Prevention Center, almost 30% of adolescences in the USA (or over 5. 7 millions) are estimated to take part in bullying either bullying, being bullied or both. Also according to a 2007 nationally representative poll by The Workplace Bullying Institute, 37% of US workforce or 54 million employees have been bullied some time during their work time.III, Bullying can affect anyone, so you can gain something from this speech by being informed about bullyingIV, Today, I am going to explain the definition of bullying, what its effects are and how to prevent it. Body I, First of all, letââ¬â¢s explain in details what bullying means.A. What is bullying exactly and why?1. Firstly, bullying is intentional behav iors that are designed to hurt, harm, or damage the victims. It can take many forms like verbal, physical, social/relational/emotional, or cyber bullying ââ¬â or any combination of these).Next, there must be an imbalance power involved (the bullies have power over the victims). Finally, it is often repeated periodically.2. So what do bullies want? The book ââ¬Å"Talking about Bullyingâ⬠says:a. Bullies want to feel important and big, create attention: dominate others or use others to get want they wantb. They want to feel like they are better than othersc. They want to hurt others and make them feel smallB. In order to know when bullying happens, we also need to know about ways and means of bullying1. Physicala.Typically, physical bullying involves: hair pulling, pinching, pushing, shoving, slapping, kicking, tripping, poking, stabbing, spitting, hitting, punching, head butting, choking, scratching, hiding or destroying someoneââ¬â¢s property, etc.b. Example: pushing pe ers against the lockers to ask for money, or touching someone in a sexual way when itââ¬â¢s not wantedâ⬠¦2. Verbala. Ways bullies can use language or words to hurt others: name calling, taunting, swearing, spreading rumors, gossip, note writing, laughing at someoneââ¬â¢s mistake, insulting nicknames, hate speech, mocking or imitating, threats, abusive remarks, etc.b. Example: Calling someone crybaby, trout mouth; saying nasty things about someone elseâ⬠¦3. Emotional/ Relational:a. Nonverbal: pointing, staring, laughing, making faces, rolling their eyes, making loser signs, or sticking up middle fingers, etc.b. Psychological: excluding, isolating, ignoring or turning their back on someone such as leaving someone out of activities or game, purposely not talking to someoneâ⬠¦ c. Another type of relational bullying is cyber-bullying is now very popular.Bullies can send emails spreading rumors, making vulnerable digital images of someone else, texting someone mean messa ges, online exclusion, videotape assault, etc.II, Bullying has extremely great effects on children so I will go into depth about childrenââ¬â¢s effects of bullyingA. Educational and mental fear always in the bulliedââ¬â¢s minds.1. Keeping secrets and fears become phobia:a. Ashamed of being bulliedb. Afraid of retaliation if telling an adultc. Donââ¬â¢t think anyone can helpd. Donââ¬â¢t think anyone WILL helpe.Lie1. ââ¬Å"The parentââ¬â¢s book about bullyingâ⬠states the real effects are:a. skip schools ( In 2001, The journal of the American Medical association reported that > 160,000 students skip school every day because they are fearful of being bullied)b. donââ¬â¢t join in extracurricular activitiesc. carrying weaponsd. Avoiding peers and social group at schoole. reluctance to talk about what is happening at schoolf. sad and depressedg. Unexplainable drop in academic performance2. Being bullied can lead to commit suicide.1.Example: Jan 1999, Manchester, England, 8-year-old Marie Bentham hanged herself in her bedroom with her jump rope because she felt she could no longer face the bullies at school. She is considered Britainââ¬â¢s youngest bullycide.2. Example: June 29, 2005, a 15-year-old in Cape Coral, Florida, hanged himself after being repeatedly taunted online for 2 years by his classmates.III, Bullying is a life-death issue so we need to prevent it at home, school, or work.A. For parents1. intervene immediately with discipline2. create opportunities to ââ¬Å"do goodâ⬠3 . report the incident to school or childââ¬â¢s care4. teach friendshipââ¬â¢s skill5. closely monitor childrenââ¬â¢s TV viewing, video game playing, computer activities, etc.6. engage in more constructive, entertaining, and energizing activitiesB. For teachers and school1. gathering info about bullying at school directly from students2. establishing clear school-wide and classroom rules about bullying3. training all adults on school to respond sensitively and consistently to bullying4. providing adequate adult supervision5. mproving parental awareness of and involvement in working on the problem C.For the bullied Tell the bullies to stop Speak to the school personnel, parents or adults outside of school Have your parents contact the school or school district Seek help for mental health issues if needed Anyone can become a victim of bullying but we can decrease our chances of being bullied of ours and others by being more informed on the concept, the effects of bullying and how to prevent it. Now, since you have more information about bullying, you may protect yourself and the ones you love!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Identify Prepositional Phrases
How to Identify Prepositional Phrases Prepositional phrases are a central part of virtually every sentence spoken or written. Simply put, they always consist of a preposition and an object or objects of the preposition. So its good to get acquainted with this essential part of a sentence and how it affects your writing style. Here is the first paragraph of Chapter 29 of John Steinbecks famous novel The Grapes of Wrath, published in 1939. As you read this paragraph, see if you can identify all the prepositional phrases used by Steinbeck to convey the dramatic return of rain after a long, painful drought. When youre finished, compare your results with the second version of the paragraph, in which prepositional phrases are highlighted in italics. Steinbecks Original Paragraph in The Grapes of Wrath Over the high coast mountains and over the valleys the gray clouds marched in from the ocean. The wind blew fiercely and silently, high in the air, and it swished in the brush, and it roared in the forests. The clouds came in brokenly, in puffs, in folds, in gray crags; and they piled in together and settled low over the west. And then the wind stopped and left the clouds deep and solid. The rain began with gusty showers, pauses and downpours; and then gradually it settled to a single tempo, small drops and a steady beat, rain that was gray to see through, rain that cut midday light to evening. And at first the dry earth sucked the moisture down and blackened. For two days the earth drank the rain, until the earth was full. Then puddles formed, and in the low places little lakes formed in the fields. The muddy lakes rose higher, and the steady rain whipped the shining water. At last the mountains were full, and the hillsides spilled into the streams, built them to freshets, and sent them roaring down the canyons into the valleys. The rain beat on steadily. And the streams and the little rivers edged up to the bank sides and worked at willows and tree roots, bent the willows deep in the current, cut out the roots of cotton-woods and brought down the trees. The muddy water whirled along the bank sides and crept up the banks until at last it spilled over, into the fields, into the orchards, into the cotton patches where the black stems stood. Level fields became lakes, broad and gray, and the rain whipped up the surfaces. Then the water poured over the highways, and cars moved slowly, cutting the water ahead, and leaving a boiling muddy wake behind. The earth whispered under the beat of the rain, and the streams thundered under the churning freshets. When you have completed the identification exercise in the original paragraph, compare your results with this marked version. Steinbecks Paragraph With Prepositional Phrases in Bold Over the high coast mountainsà andà over the valleysà the gray clouds marchedà in from the ocean. The wind blew fiercely and silently, highà in the air, and it swishedà in the brush, and it roaredà in the forests. The clouds came in brokenly,à ââ¬â¹in puffs, in folds, in gray crags; and they piled in together and settled lowà over the west. And then the wind stopped and left the clouds deep and solid. The rain beganà with gusty showers, pauses and downpours; and then gradually it settledà tââ¬â¹o a single tempo, small drops and a steady beat, rain that was gray to see through, rain that cut midday lightà to evening. Andà at firstà the dry earth sucked the moisture down and blackened.à For two daysà the earth drank the rain, until the earth was full. Then puddles formed, andà in the low placesà little lakes formedà in the fields. The muddy lakes rose higher, and the steady rain whipped the shining water.à At lastà the mountains were full , and the hillsides spilledà into the streams, built themà to freshlets, and sent them roaringà down the canyons into the valleys. The rain beat on steadily. And the streams and the little rivers edgedà up to the bank sidesà and workedà at willows and tree roots, bent the willows deepà in the current, cut out the rootsà of cotton-woodsà and brought down the trees. The muddy water whirledà along the bank sidesà and creptà ââ¬â¹up the banksà untilà at lastà it spilled over,à ââ¬â¹into the fields,à into the orchards, into the cotton patchesà where the black stems stood. Level fields became lakes, broad and gray, and the rain whipped up the surfaces. Then the water pouredà over the highways, and cars moved slowly, cutting the water ahead, and leaving a boiling muddy wake behind. The earth whisperedà under the beat of the rain, and the streams thunderedà under the churning freshlets. Common Prepositions about behind except outside above below for over across beneath from past after beside in through against between inside to along beyond into under among by near until around despite of up at down off with before during on without
Monday, October 21, 2019
Bacon essays
Bacon essays "Where we do well know that all our causes will be impartially heard and equally justice administered to all men," as stated by, Nathaniel Bacon. 1 In 1676 an uprising known as Bacon's Rebellion occurred in Virginia. The immediate cause of this revolt was the dissension between the planters and the Indians. Because Sir William Berkeley, the Governor of Virginia had willingly denied support to the farmers, Bacon assumed leadership of an unauthorized expedition against the Indians. When Bacon learned that Governor Berkeley was rising a force against him, he turned away from the Indians to fight with Berkley. This had now become a serious problem for the governor. When news of this revolt had reached King Charles II, it alarmed him so that he dispatched eleven hundred troops to Virginia, recalled his governor, and appointed a commission to determine the causes of the dissatisfaction. Bacon's Rebellion is considered to be the most important event in the establishment of democracy in colonial America because the right to vote and social equality were denied to the farmers The right to vote is a small but crucial part of the democracy. During the first half of the 17th century the farmers on the plantations in Virginia were not able to exercise their right to vote. The only people that were able to vote during this time were the wealthy men who owned land. Overall the colonists had not been treated fairly. They had been over taxed and denied their voting rights. To them voting meant that the person they elected was the person they felt was responsible enough to motivate them and support them. Unfortunately Governor Sir William Berkeley was not living up to those standards. Berkeley did not care about the farmers. It was obvious that the only thing he cared about was making money. The event that sparked the rebellion occurred when the Indians attacked the farmers. Normally t ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Essential Red Maple Tree Information
Essential Red Maple Tree Information The red maple (Acer rubrum) is one of the most common, and popular, deciduous trees in much of the eastern and central U.S. It has a pleasing oval shape and is a fast grower with stronger wood than most of the so-called soft maples. Some cultivars reach heights of 75 feet, but most are a very manageable 35 to 45 ft. tall shade tree that works well in most situations.à Unless irrigated or on a wet site, a red maple is best used north of USDA hardiness zone 9;à the species is often much shorter in the southern part of its range, unless it is growing next to a stream or on a wet site.à Landscape Uses Arborists recommend this tree over the silver maple and other soft maple species when a fast growing maple isà needed because ità is a relatively tidy, well-shaped tree with a root system that stays within its boundaries and limbs that do not have the brittleness of other soft maples. When planting the speciesà Acer rubrum, make sure it has been grown from local seed sources, as these cultivars will be adapted to local conditions. The outstanding ornamental characteristic of the red maple is its red, orange or yellowà fall colorà (sometimes on the same tree) lasting several weeks. Red maple is often one of the first trees to color up in autumn, and it puts on one of the most brilliant displays of any tree. Still, trees vary greatly in fall color and intensity. Species cultivars are more uniformly colored than the native species.à The newly emerging leaves and red flowers and fruits signal that spring has come. They appear in December and January in Florida, later in the northern part of its range. The seeds of red maple are quite popular with squirrels and birds. This tree is sometimes confused with red-leaved cultivars ofà Norway Maple. Tips for Planting and Maintaining The tree grows best in wet locations and has no other particular soil preference, although it may grow lessà vigorouslyà in alkaline soils, where chlorosis may also develop.à It is well-suited as a street tree in northern and mid-south climates in residential and other suburban areas, but the bark is thin and easily damaged by mowers. Irrigation is often needed to support street tree plantings in well-drained soil in the south. Roots can raise sidewalks in the same manner as silver maple, but because the red maple has a less aggressive root system, it makes a good street tree.à Surface rootsà beneath the canopy can make mowing difficult. Red Mapleà is easilyà transplanted and is quick to develop surface roots in soils ranging fromà well-drainedà sand to clay. It is not especially drought tolerant, particularly in the southern part of the range, but selected individual trees can be found growing on dry sites. This trait shows the wide range of genetic diversity in the species. Branches often grow upright through the crown, forming poor attachments to the trunk. These should be removed in the nursery or after planting in the landscape to help prevent branch failure in older trees during storms. Selectivelyà pruneà trees to retain branches that have a wide angle from the trunk, and eliminate branches that threaten to grow larger than half the diameter of the trunk.à Recommended Cultivars In the northern and southern end of the range, make sure to consult with local experts to choose cultivars of red maple that are well adapted to your region. Some of the most popular cultivars are as follows:à Armstrong:à A 50-ft.à tallà tree with an upright growth habit, almost columnar in shape. Its canopy is 15 to 25 ft. wide.à It is somewhat prone to splitting branches due to tight crotches. Glossy leaves turn a bright shade of red in fall. Appropriate for zones 4 through 9.à Autumn Flame:à A 45-ft. tall cultivar with a round shape and above-average fall color. Canopy is 25 to 40 ft. wide. Appropriate for zones 4 through 8.à Bowhall:à Roughly 35 ft. tall when mature, this cultivar has upright growth habit with a canopy 15 to 25 ft. wide. It grows best in acidic soil and is appropriate in zones 4à throughà 8. This is a cultivar that works well as a bonsai specimen.à Gerling:à About 35 ft. tall when mature, this densely branched tree has a broad pyramidal shape. Canopy is 25 to 35 ft. wide. Appropriate for zones 4 through 8.à October Glory:à This cultivar grows 40 to 50 ft. tall with a canopy that is 24to 35 ft. wide. It has above-average fall color and grows well in zones 4 through 8. This is another cultivar that can be used as a bonsai. Red Sunset:à This 50-ft.-tallà treeà is a good choice in the South.à It has a brilliant red color, with a canopy 25 to 35 ft. wide. This tree can be grown zones 3 through 9.à ââ¬ËScanlonââ¬â¢:à This is a variation of Bowhall, growing 40 to 50 ft. in height with a canopy 15 to 25 ft. across. Turns bright orange or red in fall, and grows well in zones 3 through 9.à ââ¬ËSchlesingerââ¬â¢:à A very large cultivar, rapidly growing to 70 ft. with a spread as much as 60 ft. Beautiful red to purple-red fall foliage that holds its color for as much as a month. Ità grows inà zones 3 through 9.à ââ¬ËTilfordââ¬â¢:à A globe-shaped cultivar that grows up to 40 ft. in height and width. Varieties are available for zones 3 through 9. Theà variety ofà drummondiià is ideal for zone 8. Technical Details Scientific name: Acer rubrum (pronounced AY-ser Roo-brum).Common name(s): Red Maple, Swamp Maple.Family: Aceraceae.USDA hardiness zones: 4 through 9.Origin:à Native to North America.Uses: An ornamental tree usually planted lawns for its shade and colorful fall foliage;à recommended for buffer strips around parking lots or for median strip plantings in the highway; residential street tree; sometimes used as bonsai species.à Description Height: 35 to 75 feet.Spread: 15 to 40 feet.Crown uniformity: Irregular outline or silhouette.Crown shape: Varied from round to upright.Crown density: Moderate.Growth rate:à Fast.Texture: Medium. Foliage Leaf arrangement: Opposite/subopposite.Leaf type: Simple.Leaf margin:à Lobed; incised; serrate.Leaf shape:à Ovate.Leaf venation: Palmate.Leaf type and persistence:à Deciduous.Leaf blade length: 2 to 4 inches.Leaf color: Green.Fall color: orange; red; yellow.ââ¬â¹Fall characteristic: showy. Culture Light requirement: Part shade to full sun.Soil tolerances:à Clay; loam; sand; acidic.Drought tolerance:à Moderate.Aerosol salt tolerance:à Low.Soil salt tolerance:à Poor. Pruning Most red maples, if in good health and free to grow, need very little pruning, other than training to select a leading shoot that establishes the trees framework.à Maples should not be pruned in spring when they will bleed profusely. Wait to prune until late summer to early autumn and only on young trees. Red maple is a large grower and needs at least 10 to 15 feet of clear trunk below the bottom branches when mature.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Employability skills Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Employability skills - Coursework Example This paper is going to provide an insight into the responsibilities and performance targets to transform Aveda into a multi-million dollar organization. Evidently, holding a managerial position requires certain critical skills that I must strive to develop and apply, in order to ensure that I can handle my responsibilities effectively. As a manager at the Aveda Corporation, experience has imparted critical knowledge in me, and I have the capacity to define my responsibilities and targets (ââ¬Å"The Importance of Effective Management.â⬠2014, p.56). This involves having personal goals as a leader, and exhibiting pertinent understanding of the roles that I must play. Notably, a managerial position requires an individual to strike a balance between tasks and people. This places a critical need for me to exhibit an in-depth understanding of the tasks, and the needs of the employees belonging to my team. Some of the responsibilities and targets would be as follows: Shortly after being employed at the Aveda Corporation, I faced a major setback in my position. My team had the task of meeting certain sales percentage within a period of six months. During this time, the company had launched a new product, and effective marketing was required to ensure that it obtained a niche in the competitive market. I was working with a large marketing team, and I faced challenges in ensuring that all the activities were coordinated. This messed up the program, and the scheduled six months proved insufficient for the completion of the marketing campaign. This placed me under the compulsion to design new strategies of ensuring that the teamââ¬â¢s output rose, in a bid to complete the task within the stipulated time (Brower & Balch 2005, p.67). Still, the team was unable to complete the task in the 6 months, and extended until 9 months. This compelled me to reflect on strategies that I could have used to ensure that my team
Friday, October 18, 2019
What impact did the Crusades have in Europe with respect to the Essay
What impact did the Crusades have in Europe with respect to the relationship between the Christian and the Islamic cultures - Essay Example For the good or bad, crusading movement had a lot of effects to the Muslims and Christians. According to Duiker & Spielvogel and Stearns, they argued that crusades affected the social upheaval. Whereas crusades promoted church authority in Europe, they also raised a lot of social chaos. It was more intense in Holy land than any other place. Between 1090 and 1290, several cities in the Holy land exchanged hands between the Christians and Islamic invaders, usually with a lot of violence involved. For example, in 1099, the crusaders overran the city of Jerusalem and carried out an intensive massacre of children, women and men. The same group went ahead to stir up unrest in the entire continent of Europe. It was then acceptable to persecute and kill Jews, especially those who were against the church. Crusades had also a significant impact on cultural exchange. Although there were fights between the crusades and those against the church, European cultures influenced each other. For instance, Christian invaders came up with European-styled feudal estates within the Holy land to oversee both agricultural production and trade. They also left a significant architectural imprint. They constructed several churches in Jerusalem that enhanced the spread of the gospel. They also built a hospital and a market place where they could trade their products. In making these developments, both the Christians and the Muslims could meet and shared their goods, services or ideas. In the process, there was cultural swap amongst them. However, cultural influence went the other way too. Crusaders were exposed to Arabian products, including dyed cottons, finely-crafted silks and glass. They went with goods of Middle Eastern furniture and some were taken to Europe. Ideological wealth was a significant impact also. They had a lot of impacts on the society that hosted them. Conversely to the common belief, crusades did not
Community Foundations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Community Foundations - Essay Example The ACF acts as a connection between donors, and the charitable money from the donors helps to improve the lives of all of the people living in Central Texas. The Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides positions for over two hundred individual charitable funds. The Austin Community Foundation handles over five hundred charitable funds that have been established by non-profit agencies, individual donors, and corporations. Some of these charitable funds include scholarship funds, special project funds, and donor designated funds. The task of the ACF is to help the funds back into the community to help in the supporting of charitable efforts, such as scholarships and grants. These grants support animal-related services, recreation, education, arts and culture, the environment, and health, among others. Some of the projects that the Austin Community Foundation sees to vary in the type of fund that is it, and the fund, or project, itself. Unrestricted funds help the most pressing of needs of the community, allowing the Board of Governors to decide on the recipients. Some of these funds include, but are not limited to, the Austin Community Foundation Fund, the Emily Lake Fund, and Gatewood Newberry Endowment Fund. Donor advised funds are made through the consultation of the donor, which will benefit charitable organizations. Some of these funds are The Austin High School Endowment Fund, Austin Playhouse Endowment Fund, and the Charity Partners of Austin Fund. Donor designated funds benefit the specific organization or fields of interest ââ¬â a few of these funds include A.I.S.D. Redesigning High Schools Fund, Jeanne Deason Fund for the Salvation Army, and the Sidney Burleson Smith Red Cross Fund. Non-profit endowments are non-profit organizations that provide permanent structure and professional investment
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Essay
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing - Essay Example The patient is then asked to identify a desired positive thought, such as "I am a worthwhile person," this positive thought is rated against the negative thought on a scale of 1-7, with 1 being "Completely false" and 7 being "Completely true." This method helps create a goal for treatment. The patient then combines the visual image of the trauma with the negative belief, generally evoking strong feelings, which are then rated on the Subjective Unit of Disturbance (SUD) scale. While focusing on the combination of the traumatic image and negative thought, the patient watches the therapist move his hand in a particular pattern causing the patient's eyes to move involuntarily. Blinking lights are sometimes substituted for hand movements, likewise hand tapping and auditory tones may be used instead of eye movements. After each set of eye movements the patient is asked to clear their mind and relax. This may be repeated several times during a session. Step No. 4: This step of treatment involves desensitization to the negative thoughts and images. The patient is instructed to focus on the visual image of the trauma, the negative belief he/she has of self, and the bodily sensations caused by the anxiety, while at the same time following the therapist's moving finger with their eyes.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Jamarat Pedestrian Bridge Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
The Jamarat Pedestrian Bridge - Research Paper Example It occurs that the Islamic Hajj pilgrimage is the largest congregation of people on global repetend (Samarid, 2010). About two million Moslem pilgrims observe Hajj during the twelfth lunar Arabic month. Activities commence on the ninth day and terminate on the twelfth. One of the activities done in Mina adjacent to Makkah is the ramy al-jamarat (Al-Haboubi, 2003). Jamarat was built to ease movement of pilgrims as early as 1936 and has been expanded several times. Apart a religious significance, the built structure serves as a vital logistics piece (Islamic City, 2009). Yet great efforts, the sheer magnitude of pilgrims turn catastrophic. Thus the old bridge is revamped by royal decree for the construction of a multilevel bridge (Islam portal). To define the necessary logistics involved in moving all pilgrims simultaneously, at set times, along stations spanning 10 miles, for about 2.5 million Moslems participating in the weeklong pilgrimage. The stakeholders identified in this initiative are 1-Government: leaders at national and local scale and interrelated institutions, 2-the Islam international community, 3-the design team and workforce, 4-the construction industry, 5-the wisdom keepers or Islamic scholars, Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen et al. Stakeholder management is a gesture of accountability and responsibility to deliver the project development intent. There is even more expectation in Government led initiatives, wherein it is crucial that project management meets the needs and interests of different stakeholders. To do so necessitates planning with these different groups in mind and to test what fits best. The assessment of stakeholder needs in the Jamarat Bridge Revamp Project requires a tedious understanding of the relationship between a built structure design and how it affects crowd dynamics, and does a built structure ensure safety in intense and complex flows of people. But this is not as simple as it seems because the movement of pilgrims are within a given time frame of the ritual particulars, and the increases in worshipper volume should be accommodated in the continuance of Islam traditionalism. Working with a distinct culture, such as in this circumstance, requires a deeper understanding of norms, dynamics in public interactions, and other sensitivities before exchanges are initiated. There are qualities to learn beforehand engaging stakeholder approval. Lateral approaches in the conduct of coordination are not consistently appreciated within certain social structures. Too much equalisation between interest groups could impede on the project, or stem into
Investment Risks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Investment Risks - Essay Example This refers to the poor earning reports, legal actions against the company, management ineffectiveness, or potential bankruptcy related issues that might keep an investor from investing in the companyââ¬â¢s securities and stocks. Credit risk refers to the possibility that the company will not be able to meet its obligations and pay off its debts as and when these become due. If this situation arises, this could have a drastically negative effect on the companyââ¬â¢s performance and its perception into the minds of potential investors. This might also result in a decline in stock prices and may ultimately lead to solvency problems for the company.This refers to the situation where movements in exchange rates adversely affect the investments for an individual or the company. The exchange rates may move in favor of or against the investments for people. If exchange rates are decreasing, an investment in a security becomes attractive as other investment models, like foreign currenc y, becomes unattractive due to exchange rates being reduced. However, if exchange rates show an increasing trend, an investor might not be willing to invest in a companyââ¬â¢s securities until the return from the investment in securities is more than the return from investments in foreign currency. In addition, for multinational companies or for those who try to diversify their portfolio by investing in foreign currencies, exchange risk might be a very critical element to take into account before making the investment.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Jamarat Pedestrian Bridge Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
The Jamarat Pedestrian Bridge - Research Paper Example It occurs that the Islamic Hajj pilgrimage is the largest congregation of people on global repetend (Samarid, 2010). About two million Moslem pilgrims observe Hajj during the twelfth lunar Arabic month. Activities commence on the ninth day and terminate on the twelfth. One of the activities done in Mina adjacent to Makkah is the ramy al-jamarat (Al-Haboubi, 2003). Jamarat was built to ease movement of pilgrims as early as 1936 and has been expanded several times. Apart a religious significance, the built structure serves as a vital logistics piece (Islamic City, 2009). Yet great efforts, the sheer magnitude of pilgrims turn catastrophic. Thus the old bridge is revamped by royal decree for the construction of a multilevel bridge (Islam portal). To define the necessary logistics involved in moving all pilgrims simultaneously, at set times, along stations spanning 10 miles, for about 2.5 million Moslems participating in the weeklong pilgrimage. The stakeholders identified in this initiative are 1-Government: leaders at national and local scale and interrelated institutions, 2-the Islam international community, 3-the design team and workforce, 4-the construction industry, 5-the wisdom keepers or Islamic scholars, Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen et al. Stakeholder management is a gesture of accountability and responsibility to deliver the project development intent. There is even more expectation in Government led initiatives, wherein it is crucial that project management meets the needs and interests of different stakeholders. To do so necessitates planning with these different groups in mind and to test what fits best. The assessment of stakeholder needs in the Jamarat Bridge Revamp Project requires a tedious understanding of the relationship between a built structure design and how it affects crowd dynamics, and does a built structure ensure safety in intense and complex flows of people. But this is not as simple as it seems because the movement of pilgrims are within a given time frame of the ritual particulars, and the increases in worshipper volume should be accommodated in the continuance of Islam traditionalism. Working with a distinct culture, such as in this circumstance, requires a deeper understanding of norms, dynamics in public interactions, and other sensitivities before exchanges are initiated. There are qualities to learn beforehand engaging stakeholder approval. Lateral approaches in the conduct of coordination are not consistently appreciated within certain social structures. Too much equalisation between interest groups could impede on the project, or stem into
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Determine how our society decides gender and what elements you believe Research Paper
Determine how our society decides gender and what elements you believe are the most influential in this construction - Research Paper Example er couple from Jayme Poissonââ¬â¢s article ââ¬Å"Parents Keep Childââ¬â¢s Gender Secretâ⬠consider a social gender as a stereotypic and tyrannical issue, scholars of social science, particularly Thomas D. Steensma in ââ¬Å"Gender Identity Development in Adolescenceâ⬠and Curt Hoffman and Nancy Hurst in ââ¬Å"Gender Stereotypes: Perception and Rationalization?â⬠are looking for a scientific explanation of a social gender prejudice. Gender firstly should be given a correct definition, and Steensma describes gender in ââ¬Å"Gender Identity Development in Adolescenceâ⬠as a very complex issue. Itââ¬â¢s different from sex, because sex is an inborn biological characteristic which usually matches with genitals differentiation, while gender can be revealed during life (Steensma 289). Gender constitutes of biological inborn characteristic and gender identity, which is a personal revelation of gender, and of a gender role, which is determined by social expectations on males and females (different behavior, social roles and different personal characteristics are expected) (Steensma 291). Thus, gender depends on biological (hormones, chromosomes and genitals) and psycho-sociological (nurturing) factors. It doesnââ¬â¢t seem possible to reveal gender without social interference in a process. Society affects a gender identity by imposing different natures of male and female nurturing: parents and a social environment both tend to raise male and female children with a view of their future social roles (Hoffman & Hurst 197). A nurturing starts early, already from a new born period, and society behaves differently towards babies of different sex, starting from a lexicon used when talking about a baby to different toys and activities imposing. It seems important for society to define gender from the very first days of life. Witterink and Stocker who raise a transgender child admits, ââ¬Å"When baby comes out even the people who love you and are close to you firstly ask if itââ¬â¢s a boy or a girlââ¬
Monday, October 14, 2019
Risk And Uncertainty When Entering A New Market Economics Essay
Risk And Uncertainty When Entering A New Market Economics Essay When entering a foreign market for the first time, a firm will be faced with many unknowns. Distinguish between the concepts of risk and uncertainty when a firm is entering a market of your choice. Give examples of types of risk. INTRODUCTION This paper will examine the concept of foreign market incursion by domestic business entities. It will analyse the risks associated with and probe uncertainties inherent in globalizing the local business. The market of choice used in this paper is the entertainment industry in general and the music industry in particular, with a special focus on the music industry in sub-Saharan Africa. The paper will begin by defining key terms used and then give a broad background of international business and globalisation. The paper will then narrow its focus to the business context within which it will define risks and uncertainties. Each type of risk is expounded upon within the context provided and a conclusion made. DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Credit Risk: (also called default risk) the risk of non-payment or uncertainty associated with payment of financial obligations when they are due. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Any investment abroad in which the company being invested in is controlled by a foreign entity or corporation. Foreign Exchange Risk: The risk of loss or money depreciation through change in currency exchange rates between the host country and country of origin of foreign investment. Interest Rate Risk: Uncertainty associated with changes in interest rates. Location Risk: These are spillover or contamination effects created by challenges or problems specific to the region in which a country is in. Piracy: The act of misuse of other peoples intellectual property. Pirate: Someone who uses anothers intellectual property as if it were his own. Political Risk: Actions by groups of people or governments which have the potential to affect the immediate or long term viability of a firm. Price Risk: Uncertainty associated with potential changes in the price of an asset cause by changes in interest rate levels and rates of return in the economy. Pure Risk: The type of risk which only offers the potential for loss but never results in gains. Risk: The likelihood of an occurrence of an outcome which is disadvantageous or harmful. Sovereign Risk: This is the risk that the government or one of its agencies will refuse to honour agreed terms of a loan agreement whenever the situation makes it arduous or undesirable for it to pay. Speculative Risk: The type of risk which offers both the potential for gain and the potential for loss. Systematic Risk: Risk which influences a large number of assets and which are impossible to prevent such as political events or acts of nature. Also called market risk. Talent: Someone with an exceptional ability. Uncertainty: The quality of human knowledge or information concerning risk. Unsystematic Risk: (Specific Risk): Risk which affects a very small number of assets or which is specific to a company such as a lockout at a recording studio. Visibility: The level of exposure to public scrutiny offered by such factors as a good marketing strategy. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND GLOBALISATION The term international business is concerned with the exchange of goods and services between individuals, groups and organizations in two or more countries. It includes all cross-border transactions between nations with commercial or political value, both by government and by private entities. Although globalisation is a complex construct to measure, it is widely acknowledged that much of the worlds business is either crossing borders and becoming global, uses imports in its manufacturing and/or supply or competing with foreign products in the same industry. Globalisation is a force that simply cannot be ignored. For purposes of clarity and due to differences in academic opinion on the subject, a working definition of globalisation for this paper will be derived from Hamilton and Webster (2009): Globalisation involves the creation of linkages or interconnections between nations. It is usually understood as a process in which barriers (physical, political, economic, cultural) separating different regions of the world as [sic] reduced or removed, thereby stimulating exchanges in goods, services, money, and people (Hamilton Webster 2009, p.5). The concept of globalisation acknowledges a world evolution into a global village where activities in one part influence and have marked significance over those in other parts in a short space of time (Katsioloudes Hadjidakis, 2007 p.366). Rapid technological advancement has undoubtedly improved connections between countries by expanding telecommunications, transportation services, government operations and general enterprise. There are, however, both strengths and weaknesses to be derived from the inexorable advancement of globalisation. Supporters of the concept argue that globalisation has brought about amazing dividends including a sharp fall in poverty; improved global health evidenced by an increased global life expectancy and a drop in infant mortality; a rise in global literacy; and an unprecedented wave of democratization (Ãâ¦slund A Dabrowski M, 2008 p.3). THE CONTEXT THE MUSIC INDUSTRY The music industry is a blend of producers, promoters, talent, the musical art form, the product format and modes of distribution. Unlike in Western nations where big production studios such as SONY BMG, Motown Record Company, and Arista run the industry through music production, record sales, publishing and related merchandise, in many sub-Saharan African countries, the producers are entrepreneurs who more often than not exploit young and inexperienced talent to turn a profit. Returns to the local industry have been handicapped by piracy and the inability or unwillingness of governmental structures to protect intellectual property in itself a reaction to the growing rates of youth and graduate unemployment. The music industry in the region has therefore experience limited growth until recent years. Today, advancement in music production technology, the internet, and the influence of multinational enterprises such as telecommunications giants like AIRTEL and MTN are reshaping the musical culture through intense exposure and multi-faceted advertising campaigns promising to deliver new and exotic musical forms to a global market characterised by quick and ready consumption for innovative and new products. Through this economic globalisation, a new musical culture is emerging, and relatively unexposed classical and contemporary musical art forms in sub-Saharan Africa are beginning to enjoy global exposure. The advantages which the music industry in Africa has to offer are in the uniqueness of the product offering, the vast array of products or individual artistes with individual music and dance styles, and the novelty of the African experience. The Product Life Cycle (PLC) theory explains that the growth stage of international products is characterised by fast growing demand. From an analysis of the music industry in Africa, one could argue that it is rejuvenated into a growth phase in a new product cycle. There is evidence of demand for the new African musical product from such groups as Africans in the diaspora, African Americans, and art lovers from diverse cultural backgrounds. This can be said to be the justification behind the consistent exchange of musical artists between Africa and the West in corporate promotions of international telecommunications giants including Airtel, MTN, Orange and Safaricom in several sub-Saharan African countries. One could similarly argue that since the election victory of Barack Obama, the first US president of African parentage, African American entertainment moguls wishing to identify with the motherland have been creating opportunities for more interaction between Africa and North America in music and film. Film and music festivals such as the Zanzibar International Film Festival (ZIFF), African movie Academy Awards (AMAA), the MTV African Music Awards (the MAMAs), have been consistently attended by American stars of African descent in an effort to increase the involvement and presence of the American entertainment industry (a global leader in the field). Other Awards in the north such as the Music of Black Origin Awards (MOBOs) and the Pan African Film Festival (PAFF) have been striving to acknowledge and recognise African talent in order to spread awareness of the budding industry. One of the reasons why organizations engage in international business is to minimize risk by securing their product in a market with an expanding economy or to counter the strategies of competitors (Daniels, Radebaugh, Sullivan, 2009, p.60). When establishing operations abroad, however, a company also exposes itself to certain types of risk. In making an incursion into a foreign market, music businesses are often faced with several unknowns which are highlighted under types of risk. RISK AND UNCERTAINTY Both risk and uncertainty are factors which inherently influence corporate, strategic and tactical decision making in firms. Risks are calculable or known premises of the probability of having an undesirable outcome. They are a combination of the probability of occurrence of hazards and the magnitude or impact of their likely consequences. People who make decisions always have a certain level of knowledge about risks they take. The music producer, for instance, understands the risk of piracy in his immediate environment and the impact it may have on his ability to turn a profit from the music business, or he may understand the risk taken on investing in and promoting hitherto unproven talents in the industry based on mere intuition. The tolerability of risk is the willingness of a subject to live with a certain level of risk in exchange for some certain benefits. While the risk of competing with pirates who have minimal production and set-up costs may be high, the trade-off is often industry visibility for the product which enables the producer or label to get beneficial contracts for live and sometimes international music events. Further risks faced by the music industry in an effort to globalise are outlined below under risks faced by the industry. Uncertainty, on the other hand, is the situation in which the decision maker has no precise knowledge of the probability of occurrence of different states of outcome. The decision maker, in essence, has no predictive knowledge of the probability of any form of outcome. The music producer may be largely uncertain whether his or her product or talent is suitable for a market which has a different cultural context which may include a language barrier. He will also probably be uncertain about whether there will be a terrorist attack (a political risk) at any one of the shows organised for the benefit of promoting his talents abroad, even though he may be warned in advance of the risk of a cyclone and other forces of nature. TYPES OF RISK Risks may be typified along several different and distinct lines but due to volume restrictions and for the purposes of this paper we shall be examining the typologies listed below: Country risk Political risk Transfer risk Economic risk Foreign exchange risk Location risk 1. Country risk All businesses which transcend borders become exposed to a certain measure of risk which is not present in their domestic activities and transactions and these are known as country risks. In the narrower view of the concept, country risk is defined as à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ risk that a country will not be able to honour its financial commitments (Katsioloudes Hadjidakis, 2007 p.185-6). In the broader context, however, country risk analyses are general aggregates of sub-risk factors present within the country. They may be calculated and form the basis on which to determine the desirability of choosing a country upon which to invest. For instance, countries which favour external investments and remove restrictive trade barriers are normally considered to be safe ground for foreign direct investment. By and large many third world countries like those of sub-Saharan Africa have not got the best end of the globalisation bargain (Waters, 2001 p.45) Due to usual high levels of uncertainty, country risk is not always easily calculated. However, some practitioners calculate country risk by dividing it up into sub-categories of risk which are then aggregated. These usually include: political risk, economic risk; transfer risk; foreign exchange risk; location risk; sovereign risk. According to current country risk ratings, Norway as the country with the least risk for investment (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Country_risk). 2. Political Risk Political risks include all risks associated with the actions of government especially those to do with the legal dimension, relationships between countries, and security of investments. As with every other facet of business, political risks influence the music industry and the feasibility of globalisation. The African music and entertainment industries desire to move into Asia and North America because of the influence, technology and financial pull of Bollywood in India and Hollywood in the USA. Countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq are not ideal destinations due to political turmoil and the potent risk of loss of life, property or investments there. Other countries with an Eastern or socialist inclination are not attractive to those with capitalist orientations. In order to avoid fallouts of a political nature in investing in a global music enterprise, those in the African music industry simply need to do some country research to acquire relevant information about political stability and diplomatic relations between the country of potential investment and the country of the investors origin. There are a variety of web-based services which offer information on countries via country reports. The probability of travel restrictions barring temporary immigration or work based travel and visa denials due to stringent conditions are also elements of a political nature whose risks need calculation before any major investment can be made. 3. Transfer risk Sometimes the country of an individual who borrows money in an investment restricts the ability of people in that country to buy foreign exchange. The impact of this is that the borrower may not be able to meet his/her obligations to repay in foreign currency the currency of the borrowed amount. The risk of this occurring is normally known as transfer risk and because of the role of government in this type of risk; it is also a type of political risk. This risk is mostly present in countries where democracy is not the system of government. 4. Economic Risk Economic risk in the context of globalisation is the risk that the investment will be economically unsustainable. Variations in different financial inputs and outputs of the enterprise need to add up to ensure that the risk of fallout is checked. In the music industry, when the investment in an artist in terms of publicity and promotion, training and logistical costs are predicted not to be able to be offset by predicted future sales from the work of the artist, then it can be said that the economic risk is too high and it is not a good or advisable investment. 5. Foreign Exchange Risk This is also known as exchange rate risk or currency risk. It is the risk of change of the value of an investment due to fluctuations between exchange rates of the currency of the investor and the currency of the host country for the investment. The possible adverse effect of foreign exchange risk is that the investment may become more expensive as a result of unprecedented changes in currencies which are outside the control of the investor. A music producer who invests in a product for sale in a foreign market will be happy if the value of the foreign currency appreciates against the value of his local currency as that would mean increased profits for him. The foreign exchange market is highly volatile and predicting the direction of foreign exchange movement a guessing game. Many foreign buyers prefer to avoid this risk by trading in their local currency. 6. Location Risk Location risks are risk factors associated with the political neighbours of a country or region. Certain states in North America which border Mexico are affected by illegal immigration and have concerns to do with illegal migrant workers; the political dynamics of such countries as Tunisia affects that of similar or neighbouring countries such as Egypt and Libya as evidenced by the recent revolts (in the first quarter of 2011). RISK RETURN TRADE-OFF The risk-return trade-off principle holds that low risk levels are associated with low potential returns while where high risks exist; the possibility of high returns looms large. This is why even when the country risks are great, firms may decide to take on the challenge of investing nevertheless, often prompted by the need to defend against the prospect of the companys competitors taking the initiative. For example, in the music and entertainment industry, many North American artistes used to shun the Middle East as a suitable showground due to the notion that Middle Eastern ideologies and Islamic values predominant in the culture there were inconsistent with the entertainment requirements of unrestricted freedom of expression. However, in an unprecedented turnaround, Middle Eastern cities such as Dubai are fast becoming a favourite of artistes since big artists like Michael Jackson took the plunge of tapping into the market in the 1990s. OTHER RISKS FACED BY THE INDUSTRY Polycentrism may influence the art form of the music talent. Polycentrism works through the belief of foreign business units of trying to act local. Artists and producers are often strongly influenced by the local culture of the foreign environment of investment by sub-elements of personality including the language, dressing, use of available musical instruments and technology, and the musical art itself. Socialization of this nature may cause irreparable modification to the art they offer and the image they normally portray, a product exported for its original nature. This may later influence the potential of the talent to remain intellectually authentic the musical talent in some instances may be accused of no longer sounding African or of losing authenticity. SUGGESTED STRATEGY OF INCURSION INTO THE FOREIGN MARKET Based on the factors examined it is advisable for investors in the music industry to seek partnerships with foreign counterparts in selling the unique products of African traditional and contemporary musical art in a globalised setting. Just as local food is internationalised by countries such as Italy, Japan and the US in entities such as MacDonalds, single entrepreneurs can expand the musical product in clubs which offer African musical content with renewable, trainable talent acting as the products on offer. The risk from competition, while challenging, helps organizations focus their energies on quality strategies of survival or market expansion. Due to the challenges inherent in integrating into a foreign market, foreign firms must enhance the process of their integration into local markets as a matter of necessity. This can be done by recruiting locals and learning the language and culture (Daniels, Radebaugh, Sullivan, 2009, p.505) among other integration strategies. CONCLUSION The paper has outlined the concepts of risk and uncertainty in the global arena within the context of the incursion of a local business. The sub-Saharan African perspective has been brought to bear on the analysis. The paper highlighted the difference between risk and uncertainty showing their relationship to one another and giving examples on each of the concepts. The paper has also looked at ways in which a firm in the music and entertainment industry may benefit from globalisation. Comparisons were made between the African music industry and other globalised franchises in the world such as MacDonalds in suggesting a useful model which may be simulated.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Financial Services Report Essay -- essays research papers
Financial Services Industry Report In order to succeed in the global market, it is imperative to know the various global financial institutions and the sources of funds for international operations. This paper will identify the role of financial institutions in the global economy and explore changes this industry will be experiencing during the next decade. In addition, this paper will demonstrate the impact these changes will have on Campbell Soup Company. Financial institutions have the ability to serve as agents for its clients providing financial services. These services include, but are not limited to the facilitation of money, such as credit; investments-related services; stock exchange; and any other accounting or finance services. The global financial system (GFS) refers to those financial institutions and regulations that act on the international level, as opposed to those that act on a national or regional level (Global financial system, 2005, p1). The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Bank are considered to be the most important international institutions. The Internal Monetary Fund acts as a lender of last resort to governments in financial distress, e.g. balance of payments crisis, currency crisis and debt default. Decisions are based on quotas, or the amount of money a country provides to the fund (IMF at a glance, 2005, p1). The World Bank aims to provide funding, take up credit risk or offer favorable terms to development projects mostly in developing countries that could not be obtained by the private sector (What is the World Bank, 2005, p1). The only global international organization that deals with the regulations of trade between nations and settles trade disputes and negotiates international trade agreements is the World Trade Organization (What is the WTO, 2005, p1). An important area of international finance is the financing international trade and investments. This area must be understood in order to raise funds at the lowest cost possible. There are some organizations that deal with international trade and have access to both the domestic and foreign capital markets. For example, the Eximbank (Export-Import Bank) finances exports from the United States to foreign countries. It facilitates the financing of U.S. exports through landing money to foreign purchasers of U.S. goods and... ...ed the importance of global financial institutions, and as globalization proceeds, the magnitude of this industry is expected to grow. References Basic facts about IFC. 2005. Retrieved on April 2, 2005 from (http://www.ifc.org). Campbell Soup Company 2004 Annual Report. Eurobond Online. Retrieved April 2, 2005 from www.eurobondonline.com/euro.htm Eximbank Mission. 2005. Retrieved on April 2, 2005 from (www.exim.gov). Financial Services Fact Sheet. (2004). Hooverââ¬â¢s Database. Retrieved April 2, 2005 from University of Phoenix Online Library. Financial Services Trends and Market Analysis (2004). Plunkett Research Online Database. Retrieved April 2, 2005 from University of Phoenix Online Library. Global Financial Systems. 2005. Retrieved on April 2, 2005 from (http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Global_financial_system International Finance Corporation Online. Retrieved April 2, 2005 from http://www.ifc.org IMF at a glance. 2005 Retrieved on April 2, 2005 from (http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/facts/glance.htm). What is the World Bank. 2005. Retrieved on April 2, 2005 from (http://www.worldbank.org). What is the WTO? 2005. Retrieved on April 2, 2005 from (http://www.wto.org).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
La Rotonda Essay -- Architecture Construction Essays
La Rotonda One of the great architects in time was Andrea Palladio, who was made famous for his magnificent Villas built in Italy in the fifteen hundreds. To do so he drew from the Greek and Romanââ¬â¢s architecture, studying many of their finest works, to create his masterful villas. This process would develop into a style of architecture, which became known as Palladianism. This style has inspired buildings which have dominated the landscape for the last four hundred years. These buildings include: English castles, American public buildings, Swiss railroad stations, Spanish libraries, Tuscan villas and Canadian hotels. Many of these buildings are considered to be the great buildings of the world. Andrea Palladio was born in 1508A.D. in Italy. At a very young age he became a stone mason, however his journey into architecture began when he met Gian Giorgio Trissino who immediately saw ability in him and decided to mentor Palladio. Trissino combined a study of classical architecture with architecture of the time, all the while allowing Palladio room to develop a style of his own. In time Palladio was constructing villas through out the country side of Italy, in all he constructed 30 villas, 18 of which are still standing today. Perhaps Palladioââ¬â¢s most famous work was the Villa Rotondra or La Rotondra which was started around 1565 and took approximately 4 years to build and was greatly inspired by the Pantheon in Rome. It is interesting to note that la Rotondra is different from Palladioââ¬â¢s other villas in a number of ways, and it is evident that these differences help distinguish it from the rest. The main differences between Palladioââ¬â¢s Rotondra and his othe r work are, The Rotonda is set on a hilltop, it is located near a... ...to see why many regard Andrea Palladio as one of the most influential architects of all time, he was able to create some of the most stunning, graceful, and awe-inspiring villas in the world. Unfortunately, Palladio died before his masterpiece, La Rotonda, was complete. The project was completed by his protà ©gà © Vincenzo Scamozzi. Work Cited 1.) http://boglewood.com/palladio/life.html, Wednesday September, 28 2.) Mathew McCann Feton, ââ¬Å"Time: Great Buildings of the Worldâ⬠à © 2004, New York, NY. 3.) http://kuleuven.ac.be/bwk/materials/Research/KVB/EDAMM_intro.html, Wednesday September, 28 4.) http://studentwebs.coloradocollege.edu/~A_LIVESAY/palladio.html, Wednesday September, 30 5.) http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0837370.html, Wednesday September, 28 6.) http://architecture.about.com/b/a/2003_11.htm, Wednesday September, 28
Friday, October 11, 2019
A Good Persuasive
A good persuasive essay topic would consist of two essential components; the capability to persuade people with your writing skills and the second is to select a persuasive essay topic, which would interest the large number of audience. One of the trickiest tasks in persuasive essay writing process is choosing a right topic. Make sure the topic you choose must be creative, original, of your interest and you have some knowledge regarding it. It must be presented in a most convincing matter. Many students fail to choose a convincing topic and therefore, they are unable to attain good marks.Utilize all the available resources in order to find a topic for your persuasive essay. You can find numerous topics from books, class lectures, Internet, magazines, newspapers, television programs and experiencing the phenomena on your own. Following are some persuasive essay topic from, which you can choose a topic of your choice: ââ¬Ë Advertisement targeting practices ââ¬Ë Internet privacy i ssues ââ¬Ë Clash of civilization ââ¬Ë Environmental issues ââ¬Ë Homosexuality ââ¬Ë Is music downloading illegal? ââ¬Ë Wealth and power ââ¬Ë Life beyond earth ââ¬Ë Women and Islam Steroid and sports ââ¬Ë Discuss the difference between the life of big city and small city ââ¬Ë Importance of games in a student's life ââ¬Ë Effects of globalization on one's life ââ¬Ë Space exploration ââ¬Ë Morality and Religion ââ¬Ë Commercials of liquor ââ¬ËCyber stalkers ââ¬Ë Immigration Policies ââ¬Ë Religion in Schools and Colleges ââ¬Ë Nurture versus Nature ââ¬Ë Influence of media on one's life ââ¬Ë Salary caps for professional students ââ¬Ë Is human cloning right? ââ¬Ë Terrorist attack in Iraq ââ¬Ë Are beauty contests harmful? ââ¬Ë Disney films ââ¬Ë Violent movies Internet filters ââ¬Ë Plastic surgery programs ââ¬Ë Sports gambling ââ¬Ë Effects of beer commercials on elementary school children ââ¬Ë Professional athlet ic strikes ââ¬Ë Benefits of team work in an organization ââ¬Ë Criminals and Criminology ââ¬Ë Ecology of Earth ââ¬Ë Understanding Addictions ââ¬Ë Commercialization of sports Above are some persuasive essays topics that help students in choosing a topic of their interest. When selecting a topic, it is necessary to keep in mind, the topic you choose must be of your interest and you have some knowledge regarding it.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
College Application Essay
At some point in our lives, we all have one significant experience that can affect us. Whether this experience is big or small, it still happened and made its impact on you. I remember when I first pushed myself to do something that pushed me out of my comfort zone and do more during that time period. That something was to be better than my siblings and be more successful than they were. My older brother and sister were good kids, but never did what they said they were going to do after high school. My sister had wanted to be a nursing assistant for the longest time and my brother had wanted to be a lawyer. Although my sister wasnââ¬â¢t the smartest in school she still passed and graduated with her class, but did not go to college. My brother on the other hand had a different path to become a lawyer, which he could have with his grades, but did not. He decided to enlist in the military and hoped to go to school afterwards. Although he had planned it all out, he didnââ¬â¢t follow it. Instead a tragedy struck him while in the military and is now discharged medically and only working a part time job. Of course I donââ¬â¢t believe the military is a bad job at all and I believe that if things happened differently for him his life would be different now. Today he is still undecided when and where he wants to attend college. My older siblings always told me high school would be different and harder than the smaller elementary and middle schools. I knew this but I didnââ¬â¢t mind because I knew that I had wanted to excel in school to do something successful afterwards. I didnââ¬â¢t just want to be more successful than my siblings but it made me realize that if you donââ¬â¢t drive yourself to work hard in school you donââ¬â¢t always achieve what you want to do. By pushing myself harder in school Iââ¬â¢ve made an effect on myself that has put me in a great position throughout my years of high school. Through high school Iââ¬â¢ve had the privilege of being able to take high honor classes and even college classes that have allowed me to be ahead of the game. But in order to be ahead of the game I have had to study hard, do my homework and pay attention closely to the classes that I have taken. I believe within my four years of high school I have achieved so much more than my siblings all from great teachers and other role models in my life teaching me various things. Even throughout these times it has been some stressful days and weeks I still was calm and handled everything in a well-timed manner. Therefore, I have been able to push myself one step closer to what I want to do and it hasà encouraged me greatly so I can see what I may do soon in the future. My risk to go out of my comfort zone and put more pressure on my shoulders has been a great deal for me. I hope that me pushing myself to do harder and better work throughout high school helps me in my later future studies and work.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Maths Trick Chapter 1
Lesson1 Lesson1 These lessons are based on Vedic Mathsâ⬠principles and other maths tricks. These principles are general in nature and can be applied in many ways and very very useful in commercial arthematics. I hope all of you like these lessons and make your calculation more fast and save lot of time in daily calculations and examinations or any entrance test like CAT /IIT /BANK PO /ENGINEERING ENTRANCE TEST/PMT /MCA ENTRANCE TEST/MBA ENTRANCE TEST etc etc Method for multiplying numbers where the first figures are same and the last figures add to1 0 . 42 x 48 = Both numbers here start with 4 and the last igures (2 and 8) add up to 10. just multiply 4 by 5 (the next number up) to get 20 for the first part of the answer. And we multiply the last figures: 2 x 8 = 16 to get the last part of the answer Method for multiplying numbers where the first figures add up 10 and the last figures are same 44X64 Here first figures are 4 and 6 and their add up 10 and unit figures of both numb er are same Just multiplying the last figures 4Ãâ"4=16 Put it at right hand side Again multiplying the first figures and add common degit(4Ãâ"6 )+4=24+4=28 put it at left hand side Now we get required answer2816Similarly 36Ãâ"76 , 6X6 =36 right hand side , (3Ãâ"7)+6= 21+6=27 left hand side Required answer is 2736 NOTE If multiplication of last figures is less than 10 add zero before unit digit Ex 81Ãâ"21 , 1Ãâ"1=01,( 8Ãâ"2)+1= 16+1=17 Required answer 1701 Method for multiplying numbers where the first numberâ⬠s add up10 and and the second number's digits are same 46X55 Here first number's add up is 10 and second number ââ¬Å"s digits are common i. e 5 Just multiplying last figures of both numbers 6Ãâ"5 =30 put it at right hand side Again multiplying first figures of both numbers and add common digit of second number (4Ãâ"5)+5 =20+5 =25 put it left hand sideRequired answer is 2530 ( If multiplication is in unit in first step add zero before it) file:///D|/Docu ments%20and%20Settings/sanjay/Desktop/maths%20tricks/lesson1ur20. htm (1 of 3)6/25/2003 4:00:19 PM Lesson1 Multiplying numbers just over 100. 108 x 109 = 11772 The answer is in two parts: 117 and 72, 117 is just 108 + 9 (or 109 + 8), and 72 is just 8 x 9. Similarly 107 x 106 = 11342 HOW USEFUL IS THIS CALCULATION! EXAMPLE 1 Compute the amount and the compound intrest on Rs 10000. 00 on 2. years at4%per annum. Now 4Ãâ"4=16 and 4+4=8 put 10 it becomes Rs 10816. 00 How simple ! o calculation no extra time ! Practice Test 1 Solve mentally these questions Note down your calculation time by watch (Suggested time 90 seconds) 22 X 28 35 X 35 48 X 42 73 X 33 12 X 92 48 X 28 28 X 22 37 X 88 91 X 66 118 X105 109 X108 112 X106 91 X 99 33 X 37 55X55 Now check your answer with the help of a calculator Back Home Next file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/sanjay/Desktop/maths%20tricks/lesson1ur20. htm (2 of 3)6/25/2003 4:00:19 PM Lesson1 file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/sanjay/Desktop/maths% 20tricks/lesson1ur20. htm (3 of 3)6/25/2003 4:00:19 PM
Songs of Innocence and Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Songs of Innocence and Experience - Essay Example producing the twenty seven plates of his poems Songs of Innocence and Experience dated 1789, the artist-poet developed the laborious method of etching both poem and design in relief on a copper plate. This initiated his now famous series of Illuminated Books (Blake: 11). William Blakeââ¬â¢s volume of poetry titled Songs of Innocence and Experience reflects his belief that innocence and experience were two diverging states of the human soul, and that true innocence was impossible without experience. Some of the Songs of Innocence which mostly pertain to children, have an equivalent in the contrasting Songs of Experience (IntArch, 2008). The poems with illustrations are a unique feature of Blakeââ¬â¢s works from 1788, including the Songs of Innocence and Experience. The illustrations help readers to understand the poems, while exhibiting the works in their original forms. The designs intensify and raise the meaning of the written word to greater heights. The poet felt impelled to produce his poems in this form partly because of his ââ¬Å"cast of mind, whereby the life of the imagination was more real to him than the material worldâ⬠(Blake: 11). His lyrical poems were valuable on their own, but he did not wish that they should be read in plain written form. For words and symbols to re-inforce each other, Blake identified ideas which could be translated into visual images. The poet Blake used his work to express his principles regarding various aspects of human life, speaking out from within his mind and heart. Rising above the ordinary world of common experience, the poems formed an embodiment of the imaginative vision of the poet. His poems reflect the fact that he was an independent and rebellious thinker, who intensely disliked pretension and falsity in others (Blake: 11). The Songs of Innocence were products of a mind in a state of chaste goodness, the poems showed an imagination that was unspoiled by worldliness. William Blakeââ¬â¢s increasing awareness of the
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